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 Link Technologies - LinkSOFT Documentation 
Help > Link Web Applications Portal > Global Administration > User Maintenance >

Company is used to manage the access company for a user. 

Steps to enable company access:

  1. Edit the record.
    1. Enter below detail
      1. Employee - Enter the "Employee ID" for the user.
        1. The "Employee ID" must be updated for a user who is an employee in the system. This will allow the user to create "Time Entries", "Leave Entries" and access "Payslips".
        2. The Employee ID is automatically updated if the user account is created from "Employee Maintenance".
      2. Rate - Enter the employee rate that should be used for calculation of time entry hours.     
        1. This rate is used for "Projects " which use the "Employee Rate".
      3. Enabled - Tick the "Check Box" to enable access for the company.
        1. User will be able to switch between companies from "Change Company".

Figure 1: Company